Minutes of Senior Skin Group
Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 1st July 2014 at 12.30
SECC Glasgow
The meeting began at 12.30 with a minute silence in remembrance of Dr Roger Woodford following the talks by Professor Ronnie Marks and Dr Colin Long. Five members of the SSG attended.
- Apologies for absence Robin Graham-Brown
- Julie van Onselen was unable to attend in spite of a badge being made for her. There was a communication failure on the part of the BAD registration desk
- Minutes of last meeting Taken as read with no corrections required
- Matters arising All covered by agenda
- Annual report Copies circulated. No discussion arose
- Financial report Accepted
- The need to pay for the lunch at the AGM following withdrawl of expected sponsorship will put a strain on our bank balance. However, the BAD events department might be able to help and we are still to receive the subscriptions collected on our behalf by the BAD
- Future educational events – There was considerable discussion. Medical professionals have limited time and study leave budgets which makes running a stand alone event difficult. Combined meetings with organisations for care of the elderly is to be looked at. The feeling was that we should continue to have a meeting during the BAD annual meeting. The fact that aging and aged skin is not part of the curriculum for dermatology trainees should be addressed. Action MK
- Essay competition – The consensus was that the paucity of entries is in part due to the fact that junior doctors are no longer used to writing essays. The suggestion that we run a competition for the best published paper was enthusiastically received. Running such a competition will depend on financial situation. Action committee
- Constitution amendments – Accepted subject to modification the following: Para 6.2 to read “Ordinary committee members are eligible for election as office bearers at any time.”In both of these paragraphs, the suggested tenure of office for office bearers and committee was removed. Paragraph 10 Dissolution – it was agreed that we should not anticipate having to dissolve the group as it too important an area of dermatology.
- Para 5.3 to read “There shall be no defined tenure of office for office bearers who are eligible for re-election to the same role.”
- Any other business -Membership and committee: there is an urgent need to add to the membership and committee. A charismatic leader is required to take the group forward. Those who attended the educational part of the meeting and gave contact details will be approached. Action MK
- Newsletter: there was support for producing some sort of publication on a regular basis. Professor Marks offered to do whatever he could towards this aim. Sponsors will be sought. Action MK and RM and SS
- Date of next AGM Agreed to be during the next BAD annual meeting in 2015. The Tuesday lunchtime slot seems to be working well. It is however important to ensure that nurses and other members who are not attending the BAD can have access to the meeting. This needs to be carefully handled and re-considered if it becomes a problem. The very unfortunate exclusion of one of the office bearers was noted retrospectively. Action MK